The extraordinary history of the Eiffel Tower
Publish on Saturday, 10 March 2018 in Visit Paris

Standing at a proud 324 metres high, it overlooks Paris and is the pride of the city’s inhabitants. Both a symbol and a landmark of the capital, the Eiffel Tower is unique, beautiful and a must-see when you visit Paris. You must not miss the chance to ascend its wrought iron lattice frame to stand amazed by the breathtaking views that its heights offer. So you’ll be ready when the moment arrives, the Cler Hotel presents a brief guide to the history of this iconic monument!
The Eiffel Tower, a symbol of power
It was when the 1889 Exposition Universelle (World’s Fair) was on the horizon that the idea of building a huge tower was proposed. Each World’s Fair is held in a different European capital, and such an event is an opportunity for the host country to highlight its modernity, technology and expertise. A competition was launched in which the nation’s most talented engineers were asked to submit designs for a four-sided metal tower. Among the 107 proposals submitted, some of which were quite audacious, the gracefully slender design by Gustave Eiffel was accepted as the most practical and detailed. He planned to make the tower at least 300 metres high, which represented a prodigious architectural challenge at the time as no monument had previously been built on such a scale.
The placing of the Eiffel Tower
Having won the competition, Gustave Eiffel received the contract to build his tower for the 1889 World’s Fair. But where would it be erected? Several locations were considered. It was first envisaged that the tower should span the Seine, a pair of feet on each bank. Another option was the place where the Palais de Chaillot stands today. Finally, the decision was taken to build the tower at the location of the World’s Fair so that it would form a monumental portal to the event on the Champs-de-Mars. Hundreds of workers were recruited to carry out this ambitious project, until what was called “la Tour de 300 Mètres” was ready.
Eiffel Tower, a breathtaking visit
When she was opened to the public, the young iron lady became a source of fascination. Visitors rushed to see this improbable building, so high in the sky. At the time it was the world's tallest building, and remained so until 1930, when New York gained the Chrysler Building. Today, the Eiffel Tower still flaunts her unique charms, embellished at night with beautiful lights. Elegant, romantic, the Eiffel Tower fills Paris with poetry!
To experience this graceful monument, treat yourself to a stay in Paris in its vicinity. At the Cler Hotel, you’re just a short distance from this symbol of Paris, and also near the Rodin and Quai Branly museums.