A music museum and concert music in Paris
Publish on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 in Entertainment

Dedicated to the art and history of music, the Cité de la Musique, located in the appealing environs of the Parc de la Villette, is a magnificent accomplishment of which the people having a passion for music in Paris can be justifiably proud. It has been twenty years in the making but the completed complex was well worth waiting for. Offering unprecedented access to all aspects of musical culture, the Cité hosts concerts, a museum, a symphony hall, educational activities, imaginative architectural design and much more. What is more, it’s easily accessible from the Cler Hôtel.
Paris presents the enchanted world of music
With its amphitheatre, a concert hall capable of accommodating audiences of up to 1000, a museum of music, exhibition halls, workshop areas, archives and a brand new symphony hall, the Cité de la Musique is a heaven for music lovers. The design of the buildings created by the leading French architects Christian de Portzamparc and Jean Nouvel is eye-catching, bold and beautiful, yet completely functional and visitor-friendly.
The museum of music occupies five levels and takes the visitor on a tour of western music and world music, with musical instruments dating from the early 17th century to the late 19th. Amongst this superb collection can be found harpsichords, lutes and close to 200 classical guitars; Stradivari, Guarneri and Amati violins; Pleyel pianos; Adolph Sax saxophones, and instruments which once belonged to Frédéric Chopin, Django Reinhardt and Frank Zappa. Each day musicians perform mini-concerts in the museum and interact with the public. Audio devices are provided so that visitors can hear a commentary, along with musical excerpts played on the instruments.
The latest addition to the Cité de la Musique is the Philharmonie de Paris. This 2,400 seat symphony hall, with an educational centre, exhibition spaces and a restaurant has a stunningly innovative design, unobstructed sight lines and superb acoustics. Attending a performance here will provide you with an experience to remember.
• Cité de la musique - Paris Philharmonic society
By subway : line 5, direction Bobigny – Pablo Picasso, station Porte de Pantin.
By bus : lines 75, 151 - Noctilien N13 et N41.
By car : underground car park Cité de la musique.
Tramway : T3B stop Porte de Pantin.
Stations vélib' : opposite Café de la musique, Conservatoire and Porte de Pantin, Website.
Stations Autolib’.
Car park with access for the disabled - 5 places : 8 rue Adolphe Mille – 9 Rue des Sept Arpents – 159 Rue Manin.
Picture copyright holder : By Jean-Pierre Dalbéra from Paris, France [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Cler Hotel, a classic and contemporary 3-star hotel in Paris, close to the Eiffel Tower